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B2B digital marketing trends

Since COVID-19, even the most sceptical of digital marketing methods have been quickly adopted by B2B enterprises.
This abrupt and nearly immediate transition ushered in a slew of changes, requiring B2B buyers and sellers to devise a new set of methods in order to effectively complete a transaction.
As a result, new B2B digital marketing trends are emerging to help B2B marketers generate leads and money. These developments, I believe, will have an impact on how B2B buyers make purchase decisions and how B2B companies should market themselves to generate sales leads.

Digital Marketing trends in 2022

  1. Steroids for video content
  2. Personalise buyer experience
  3. Website performance
  4. Privacy regulations

Trend #1: Steroids for Video Content

Video has overtaken print as the most widely used medium. Many B2B marketers are still underutilizing video’s potential, but this is expected to change by 2022. Video content is in high demand among B2B buyers, who seek it out at every stage of the buying process. 

KPIs to Monitor in the Future State:

Views of the video
The number of YouTube subscribers is increasing.
Interactions with LinkedIn video posts
Video-based CTA interactions

Trend #2: AI can be used to personalise the B2B buyer experience.

Artificial intelligence is not a new concept, and it has been around for a long time. As technology advances, though, marketers will have more opportunities to use it to improve their marketing results and save time.
From the more basic applications of technology, such as when AI assists decision-making through an automated scheduler, spam score, and automatic winner selection in A/B email tests, to completely rendered dynamic content.
One of the most essential advantages of adopting AI in marketing is that it allows you to connect your data and analyse it to generate consumer insights, allowing your marketing, sales, and customer service to finally be in sync.

Trend #3: Website performance is more important than ever because to changes to Google Core Web Vitals.

The implementation of Google core web vitals is another trend that will affect 2022. Google’s user-focused metrics, Core Web Vitals, were announced in May 2020 and are aimed to assess a website’s health in terms of user experience.
The usage of Core Web Vitals as a ranking signal means that websites that do not follow best practises will receive a lower ranking score.

Run a page speed insights analysis to understand where Google suggests you make adjustments, as well as the time and work required. For each of the main vitals indicators listed below, your goal will be to rank in the green or good zone.
KPIs to Monitor in the Future State:

Loading performance is measured using the Largest Contentful Paint (LCP).
Interactivity is measured by the First Input Delay (FID).
Visual stability is measured by Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS).

Trend #4: Privacy Regulations on the Internet Have Changed

Establishing user identity without the use of third-party cookies will be one of the main problems for marketers in the coming year. Marketers have traditionally depended on third-party cookies, which are little files that a third-party tech platform places on a user’s computer when they visit a website. However, beginning in 2022, Google Chrome will make action tracking between websites via cookies absolutely illegal. Marketers will be pushed to come up with alternatives if they don’t have them. Marketers will have to rely more on first-party cookie data and insights from social media, email marketing, and other digital channels as a result of this.

Why Us?

Cpool Digital Learning, No. #1 digital marketing, mobile app development and website designing company in Kochi, Kerala. We serve clients with all matters regarding Website Design, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Search Engine Marketing (SEM), Social Media Marketing (SMM), Mobile application and so on. Please Contact Us with any questions regarding digital marketing and website design services. We’d be delighted to help you to boost your business online.  

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